Canady Missions is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ, both locally and abroad, and to help equip and train other Believers to search for TRUTH while increasing their confidence and obedience to be witnesses to a lost world.

Currently, we are working to fulfill this purpose on 3 fronts:

The Church

We believe that there is a need for training Believers to witness.  Through our “THINK!” Curriculum, we are training believers, using apologetics and Biblically based logic, to search for and know TRUTH.  We train students of our courses to follow a model of witnessing given to us by Jesus.  Students are trained to use everyday current events and situation to help engage the minds of the lost by showing them principles such as the Law of Non-Contradiction, Moral Relativism, etc.,  and then leading them towards the spiritual; A God Who is the moral law giver and the need that we all have for a Savior.

The Youth

There is no doubt that the spiritual battle is raging on many fronts, but the attack on our kids is growing exponentially!  Canady Missions is partnering with local organizations to bring our “THINK!” Curriculum to the Christian Youth groups that are meeting inside the public school systems.  Through our “THINK!” Curriculum, we are training these youth  just like we are training believers inside the local churches.

Foreign Fields

We believe it is important and a command to spread the TRUTH of the Gospel to all the world.  And we also believe it is equally as important that we train our brothers and sisters in foreign lands to search for TRUTH and to defend their faith.  Our first step towards accomplishing this purpose is in Barbacena, Minas Gerais, Brazil.  Canady Missions is working towards the purchase of land and building Camp Refuge.  Camp Refuge will be a facility where we promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and train Believers to search for TRUTH while increasing their confidence and obedience to witness by hosting activities and events like youth camps, marriage retreats, seminary schools, etc.


Thank you for your support to Canady Missions. Because of your financial support and generosity, you have planted the seeds that will enable the Canady's to take the Gospel and “THINK!” to Local Churches, Local Youth, and Abroad. Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God's work as the Canady's answer the call of the Great Commission.